Thursday 4 February 2010

Glazed Orange Peel.

Kebiasaannya, kalau makan buah oren, kulitnya akan dibuang begitu sahaja kan? (Tapi kan, I ada seorang kawan yang makan buah oren dengan kulitnya sekali tau!).

Few weeks back, I watched Anna Olson's 'Sugar' which featuring  everything-orange recipes. from there I learned about making glazed orange peel. This great home-made ingredients from remains ideal for cakes that you may save your money for it.

First, wash and dice your remaining orange peel. Put in a hard-based pan, add in water covering all the peels. Boil on slow gas until peel is soft.
Second, add in sugar to taste. Keep on low gas until the water is about to dry out.

Third, turn everything from pan onto a grease-proof paper and dry out completely at room temperature. Store in a glass jar or an airtight container and refrigerated. If not, use within a month time.

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