Bagi members yang dah baca entry Tun kat fotopages tentang BASBOUSA -sejenis manisan pencuci mulut dari Timur Tengah, ini resepinya...

Basbousa [syrup-soaked semolina cake]
all that you need: [A]
1 cup plain yoghurt [I use blue cup from Nestle]
1 small can [150gm] pure ghee
1 cup* white sugar [ I made it 3/4, less sweet]
1 packet [450gm] semolina [tepung suji]
1/2 cup* whipped cream [optional]
raisins / mixed grated fruits / almond halves for dressing.
[B] -for the syrup.
1 orange [get the juice]
1 cup* white sugar
2 or 3* cups water
* use the yoghurt cup.
all that you have to do:
Mix all you have [A] in a bowl. With clean hand, aduk until batter is well blended, and doesn't stick to your hand. Pour them in baking pan. Dress with raisins or almond halves [whatever you have that may suitable]. Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes [half-cook].
Pour the syrup over and bake again until it turns golden. The crispy side of the cake always be my favorite...nyuummm... Cut the cake into bite-size while hot, and ready to serve.
For the syrup, boil everything in [B] until the sugar dissolved and it turns clear. Jangan pekat sangat ye..
Prep. time: 10mins.
Baking time: 20-25mins.
Dish type: Middle Eastern
Specialty: sweet and nice smell of the ghee and orange syrup
Serving type: Dessert
Cooking style: Baking
ok, ada bermacam variasi resepi Basbousa members boleh dapat kalau Google kat net, ada yg letak kelapa kering, atau ada juga yang kurangkan sukatan tepung suji kepada separuh dan gantikan dengan serbuk badam...terpulang ikut citarasa dan bagi yang nak mencuba, amatlah dialu-alukan...kemudian bley la kita share kat sini. Resepi yang Tun perolehi dari kawan ni, is the most basic one.
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